I have looked at the example and it looks very promising.

However, if you want more attention there should at the absolute minimum be a bunch of links somewhere that give starting points for someone to understand the project. E.g. links to important classes, important examples. Either an architecture overview or a small programming guide would be great too of course :)


Op 22-09-10 03:41, Sam Stainsby schreef:
Today we officially announced our project to provide a Wicket-DB4O-Scala
web application stack:


"I’m pleased to announce a new web application framework, called Granite,
and an associated set of reusable libraries, called Uniscala. Please note
that this is a work in progress: we are not announcing a release yet, or
even a beta. A number people have started asking about the project, and
so I felt it would be helpful to let the wider world know what is going

"Granite is a lightweight framework for the rapid development of web
applications. It is based on the very cool and richly featured Apache
Wicket web framework. Granite uses an embedded object database that
avoids the need for SQL or Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs), and, in the
Wicket tradition, is proud of, if not smug about, its distinct lack of
external XML configuration files."

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Erik van Oosten

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