Thanks for sharing!

On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 12:49 AM Kent Tong <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have written a simple Wicket component that allows you to easily render a
> Vue 3 app in Java. This component is implemented in about just 130 lines of
> code (including Java, HTML and js), so there is no risk in using it.
> <>How to use
> Suppose that you want a Vue app on an HTML page like below:
>     <script src="https://.../vue.js";></script>
>     <div id="app1"></div>
>     <script>
>     var app = Vue.createApp({
>         data() {
>             return {a: 4, b: "Hi"};
>         },
>         template: `<span @click='m1()'>{{a}} {{b}}<span>`,
>         methods {
>             m1() {
>                 console.log(this.a);
>             }
>         },
>     });
>     app.mount('#app1')
>     </script>
> And you want to generate this from a Wicket page. To do that, you can use
> the WicketVueApp component provided by this project.
> First, add the dependency:
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>com.ttdev</groupId>
>    <artifactId>wicket-vue-app-core</artifactId>
>    <version>1.0.2</version>
> </dependency>
> Your Wicket page should be like:
> import com.ttdev.WicketVueApp;
> public class GetStartedDemo extends WebPage {
>   public GetStartedDemo() {
>     HashMap<String, Object> state = new HashMap<>();
>     state.put("a", 4);
>     state.put("b", "Hi");
>     WicketVueApp vwa=new WicketVueApp("wva",
>         new Model(state),
>         "m1() {console.log(this.a);}");
>     add(vwa);
>   }
> }
> The template is provided in the HTML markup:
> <html><body><div wicket:id="wva">
>    <span @click='m1()'>{{a}} {{b}}<span></div></body></html>
> The WicketVueApp component will generate the desired HTML and js code
> inside the <div> automatically. Now, run your Wicket webapp as usual and
> you will see the Vue app working on your Wicket page.
> Handling Vue events in Wicket
> In the example above, suppose that you want to handle the click on the
> server side (Wicket), all you need to do is to call a js method named "cb"
> (standing for "call back") as shown below:
> <html><body><div wicket:id="wva">
>    <span @click='cb()'>{{a}} {{b}}<span></div></body></html>
> This cb method will use Wicket's ajax mechanism to send the request to the
> Wicket side, where you can handle it by overriding the OnVueEvent method:
> public class GetStartedDemo extends WebPage {
>   public GetStartedDemo() {
>     HashMap<String, Object> state = new HashMap<>();
>     state.put("a", 4);
>     state.put("b", "Hi");
>     WicketVueApp vwa=new WicketVueApp("wva",
>         new Model(state)) {
>       @Override
>       public void onVueEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target, Map<String,
> Object> data) {
>         state.put("b", state.get("b")+"!");
>       }
>     };
>     add(vwa);
>   }
> }
> The cb method will automatically send the current state of the Vue app back
> to the WicketVueApp component on server, which will use the data to update
> itself own state, before calling its onVueEvent method. This way you will
> have access to the latest state of the Vue app in the browser.
> In this method you can further modify the state, which will be sent back to
> the browser automatically to refresh the Vue app. Here, in this example,
> the "b" variable's value will have an exclamation mark added to it.
> Note that the AjaxRequestTarget one of the parameters, you can add other
> ajax Wicket components to the target to have them refreshed.
> <
> >
> --
> Kent Tong
> IT author and consultant, child education coach

Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

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