Hi Danny,

I suggest you start by reading
, in case you haven't done it already.

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Danny Sharpe <d.shar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a real novice, so please forgive my question if it is trivial.
> I've created a simple app with App Within Minutes, and I'd like to
> customise it a little. For example I have a boolean checkbox and a
> user selector with the app, which I'd like to be disabled (uneditable)
> for all users except my manager. So that only the manager can edit the
> assigned users to a 'task' and mark the task as complete. I'd also
> like a second user selector to default to the currently logged in
> user.
> I've spent a few days googling the problem, and I've come across
> information in the xwiki mailing archive etc which makes me think that
> it is possible to run checks against the current user using velocity
> or groovy scripts embedded in one of the app sheets and modify the
> respective elements. But I don't really understand how.
> Can this actually be done?
> Can anyone direct me to a resource that would clear this up for me? Or
> give me an example code snippet and simple directions for its
> implementation i.e. what sheet they should be inserted into? A real
> idiot's guide
> I'd really appreciate any help you could give me,
> Thanks
> Danny
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