
I am running zeppelin 0.7.0. the sqlContext already created in the zeppelin
notebook returns a <pyspark.sql.context.SQLContext object at 0x7f707a9e9050>,
even though my spark is built with HIVE.

"zeppelin.spark.useHiveContext" in the spark properties is set to true.

As mentioned in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-1728, I

                  hc = HiveContext.getOrCreate(sc)

​but still its returning
<pyspark.sql.context.SQLContext object at 0x7f707a9e9050>​

My pyspark shell and ​jupyter notebook is returning
<pyspark.sql.context.HiveContext at 0x7fa3421b1c90>
​ without doing anything.

How to get
<pyspark.sql.context.HiveContext at 0x7fa3421b1c90>
​ in the zeppelin notebook ?​

Meethu Mathew

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