I think that's a good point - perhaps this shouldn't be a warning.

From: Ruslan Dautkhanov <dautkha...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 11:10:48 AM
To: users
Subject: "IPython is available, use IPython for PySparkInterpreter"

We're getting " IPython is available, use IPython for PySparkInterpreter "
warning each time we start %pyspark notebooks.

Although there is no difference between %pyspark and %ipyspark afaik.
At least we can use all ipython magic commands etc.
(maybe becase we have zeppelin.pyspark.useIPython=true?)

If that's the case, how we can disable "IPython is available, use IPython for 
PySparkInterpreter" warning ?

Ruslan Dautkhanov

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