Hi Philipp,

On 20/09/07 at 21:51 +0200, Philipp Kern wrote:
> Lucas, you had some other scripts running over at tiber.tauware.de,
> which is no longer up. Did you do some modifications to them? Could you
> modify the scripts on Alioth accordingly if you had some?

Yes, I had to shut it down because of bandwidth restrictions on
tiber.tauware.de.  I'm currently running them temporarily on gluck.d.o,
but I'd like to move them elsewhere (on an Ubuntu community system or a
canonical system). I'm currently waiting for answers.

My scripts were already updated for gutsy. I didn't have any script on

Also, note that I submitted a "chdist" script for devscripts, and that
Luk Claes is currently rewriting it in perl so it can be included in the
package. It might be worth looking at when it will be packaged (see
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
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