Hi there,

Joachim Breitner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> first note that the utnubu team is currently non functional, but I can
> try to answer your questions anyways.


> I think what you should do is take their source package, increase the
> version number to the next "debian style", so in this case
> 0.9.4-1 instead of 0.9.4-0ubuntu1, by adding a changelog entry, but
> leaving their changelog entries in tact. Then proceed with the upload as
> usual (using mentors.debian.org or your personal sponsor).

So, you suggest that the Debian version of this package allways act as
being an NMU? Or should I also change the Maintainer line in "control"?

Thanks for your help,
Marcos Marado
Utnubu-discuss mailing list

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