Turbofan isn't ready for prime-time yet anyway, so you definitely don't need to implement the entire backend right away. The changes required for being able to compile and run tests (with TF disabled) should be fairly small; you can look at
the mips/mips64/x87 ports for examples.

Looking at your buildbots
it seems they need to nuke the third_party/icu directory. In theory, "make
dependencies" should have migrated the ICU checkout, but apparently that didn't work. Once ICU is in a sane state, "make dependencies" should proceed to check
out gtest/gmock, which are currently making the build fail.

Regarding your previous question about keeping up to date, my usual workflow is:
$ git checkout master # I use this branch to track bleeding_edge
$ git svn rebase
$ git rebase master feature_branch
$ git cl upload
But if you've found a flow that works for you, then that's obviously fine as

Rebasing can get painful when you have several local commits on the branch
you're rebasing. When that happens, you can consider squashing those commits
locally -- you'll lose local fine-grained history, but you'll only have to
resolve rebasing issues once, rather than for every local commit.

Most patches are shortlived, avoiding the need for any rebasing, but this patch
here is obviously an exception :-)


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