We are having some issues with Vpopmail , vdelivermail more precisely - in the function is_spam()

There is this code that is charged with finding out when the headers end:

switch(spambuf[k]) {
             /* skip blank spaces and new lines */
             case ' ':
             case '\n':
             case '\t':
             case '\r':

Basically it assumes that if it finds spaces or \n or \t or \r that it's a 'blank' character which means the headers are over and it can append the Spamassassin tags.

I think this is a problem because there are messages which have for example white spaces(WS) followed by newlines in the header:


That code assumes that line is the end of the headers, but shouldn't the end be a new line that contains only \n ( or \r\n ) ?

Thank you!


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