RSS is not an archive format. It is used to provide recent updates to your site.
This often means that it contains something like the most recent 15-30
entries on your weblog.

As for the <description> elements, yes you can include the full text
of your entries there.


On 8/1/05, David Meade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all. I was hoping someone could help me with some RSS feeds questions.
> I create my own feeds (as opposed to using blogger/feedburner) and I
> was told by the technorati support people that my feed was too long
> for them to index.
> Now I'm wondering if I've made some non-stnadard or otherwise poor
> choices about my rss feed. (To try and get the feed working in
> technorati, I changed the 'description' element to contain only the
> item title. It's still not working with Technorati but it did cut the
> file size of my blog feed by quite alot.)
> Anyway, can someone give me some guidance on the following:
>  1) Should I not index all my blogs in my feed?  For example should I
> make my feed detail only the latest 20 posts or something?  How would
> this effect rss readers such as Thunderbird or Fireant?
>  2) Is it not typical to include the blog post in the description?
>  3) My site is pretty low traffic ... if MY feed is too big for
> indexes like technorati to work with ... how do larger sites with
> hundreds and hundreds of posts manage?
> The feed they were talking about was:
> Thanks,
>   Dave
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