Here's a Blogumentary video about that fuzzy line between "online friend"
and "real friend." It's about a friend of mine who was suicidal, but
I didn't know it until she posted it on her blog:

I largely agree with you btw. And, I never realized what happened
to Nathan after the "cry for help prank" video about his kids. I
stopped paying any attention to him after that. Frankly, I barely
have enough time+energy for my own family and friends! But I
am thankful for my vlog friends, many I've met in person which
really does make it a more tangible and real thing.

--- In, Jen Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It makes me think about how I've seen more than one person vlogging who
> seems mentally ill / unstable -- and yet, unlike an actual friend who
> lives in the same city with me, I don't have any real connection or
> investment or way to be there for them. Sometimes I watch, sometimes I
> don't. Sometimes I comment and hope my handful of words might be
> helpful. Mostly I just think, wow, that person is manic, or depressed,
> or a bit off right now.
> An online friendship / video exchange does not equal a face-to-face
> friendship. Online connections can turn into face-to-face friendships,
> as we've all seen over and over. But when the relationship says
> strictly in the realm of the internet, can it really provide the same
> kind of support??

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