Check out this just-posted interview with Negativland's Mark Hosler:

He says "You don't get total control" when you put a creative work
out into the world. If you want total control, keep it in your bedroom.

I tend to agree. That's not to say you shouldn't get paid for your
creative work. But if you put something out into the public
consciousness, you've already surrendered how that work will
be perceived, contextualized, and interpreted. Or even
mentally remixed, you might say.

Our lives are mashups. The whole fucking world is a mashup.

For this reason I'm increasingly against the "No Derivatives" clause
of Creative Commons licenses. Let me give you an example. I
was recently depressed about staying up all night doing web
production for my job. A piece of art by Hugh Macleod *almost*
represented how I felt. It was a purple scribble that said "We
can't go on like this." I made it red and changed it to say
"I can't go on like this" and posted it on my blog:

While Hugh kindly says I can do whatever I want with his art for
personal use, his CC license says "No derivatives." Those conflict.
That license says I can look at his work, and remix it in my head,
and create a personalized version of it, but I can't show anybody.
I can't recreate or regurgitate my experience of Hugh's art -
according to that CC license. Well, I say I can and I do.

This is particularly true in the digital age. Hugh is not losing anything
(especially monetarily) by my personal remix of his art. You can
say the same of using commercial music and images in your
videos. If you're not trying to redistribute or profit from another's
copyrighted work, why NOT include it in your creative palette?

The world around us is our creative palette. We have the right
to express the world around us, as artists and human beings.


Fireant Individual Use


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