Heath wrote:

> This is a secondary device, not a primary and for 500
> bucks that is steep, even with the "cool" factor....how long is the
> screen going to last?  you are constantly touching it...how long does
> the battery last,  2 years?.....

These are very similar to the criticisms raised when the
iPod was first introduced. They are valid, however, look
what happened in the past five years with the iPod platform.

Consider iPhone is generation 1 of a new platform for
Apple and all the things they did right in the design
of iPhone generation one:

* Plenty of local storage
* GSM standard support
* Sync with iTunes for music and video
* A real operating system (lean and mean OS X)
* WiFi communication
* BlueTooth communication
* Edge support
* Touch screen interface
* Steve Jobs Obsessive Compulsive Design Filter
* Real standards based browser interface
* Excellent web page rendering
* Svelte form factor with sexy curves

Think of it as the beginning of a new platform and it
starts to make more sense. I've never found any of
the converged devices very interesting, I've heard
the promises for years and years (being an old timer)
not even the Nokia devices, but this one made me stop
in my tracks and think.

My prediction for MacWorld was Apple would introduce
start shipping the iTV and announce a 16:9 iPod and
the long awaited iPhone... I was pleased to see both
the phone and iPod so elegantly integrated, so Apple.

Reminds me of the first time I saw the Macintosh 128K.
It was not the first compact computer, but it was the
first elegant compact computer.



David Tames, Filmmaker & Media Technologist

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