Hi Gang--

Consider this a pre-announcement that Network2 has two meetups in
mind, one for LA on Feb 7th, and one for San Francisco on Feb 8th.
Both will start somewhere around 5:30PM and run for a few hours at
least. The plan for both events is to have a few pops, talk about
videoblogging and the whole Internet video thing, and whatever floats
your boat. 

Videobloggers, podcasters, traditional media types, whoever you think
would enjoy this kind of conversation are invited. Bring a card or
something, if you would, so I can get in touch with you afterwards. 

In LA, I'm trying to get final confirmation from the nice folks at
Little Radio Warehouse. (Yes, I tried for Cinespace, but someone had
it booked). 

In San Francisco, I dropped a line to Schlomo to request the House Of

When I get more details, I'll drop a note on the space. Feel free to
email me direct. (chris at network2 dot tv). 

See you there?

--Chris Brogan... 
Community Developer

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