...for those of you who run blogs.

I'm 44 years old. I've been horribly near-sighted since I was a kid, and now
my close-up vision is going as well - it's getting harder and harder for me
to read small type.

For some reason, the default font size on every blog theme I've seen is
tiny. I'm starting to regularly use Ctrl + to be able to read blogs at all.
Which gets pretty squirrelly with some layouts. And it's a trick that might
not occur to many less-experienced computer users. So most blogs, by
default, make themselves difficult to use for older people.

A lot of us out here in audienceland are over 40 and starting to have vision
problems (just you wait - it'll happen to you one day). So, if you want to
enlarge your audience, ENLARGE YOUR FONT.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

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