I have the same question: but I will buy a digital cam camera, because I am
going to learn to handle this and use it in my job.
Anoyne have any advices about which camera is good?
I want a camera which I can download the file directly to the computer
without converting the film.

best regards

On 2/26/07, Bill Streeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Get a cell phone that will do decent video and a data plan so you
> can upload directly from your phone. Seems to be the way of a lot of
> YouTubers.
> Bill Streeter
> www.lofistl.com
> www.billstreeter.net
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com <videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com>,
> "michael12happy"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I just need a camcorder to record myself
> > for about 10 -15 minutes, the most 30 minutes
> > and then post to youtube.
> >
> > my budget is quite low :-)
> > what model of camcorder should i buy ?

Rosemari Södergren
På svenska: Kulturbloggen: http://kulturbloggen.com/
In English: The Dojo: http://sodergren.com/dojo/

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