Just my 2 cents here and not sure if anyone cares but....I think 
combining vloggercon with another event right now would be a 
mistake.  I can understand the allure of combining 'vlogging' with 
something esle already in place, but by doing so you could overwhelm 
people.  I'm still struggling with the 'how' and 'what' add in a 
conferance where you have hundrends of choices and where do you 
start.  The community overall is still pretty small, having an event 
where you can meet with others and share and communicate....that is 
still just about vlogging I think is still important.

I know I didn't do a really good job explaining my 'arguement'....i 
guess the best way I can explain it is this.  You are into Star Wars, 
now do you wanna go to a convention where all they have is star wars 
meet up with friends you have met online, make new friends and 
possibly learn something you didn't know.  Or do you wanna do to an 
all you can be convention where they talk about everything and star 
wars is just a small part.  you wander around and look at a bunch of 
things that are cool, and yea sometimes you find something neat but 
you 'feel' alone cause none or not many of your friends are around, 
you get a bit lost in the crowd....

Me, I wanna go to just the Star Wars show, I can always go 
to 'another con' later....but that's just me....regarless I hope to 
be able to meet some of you.  If nothing else just to shake your hand 
and say "hey"....


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "schlomo rabinowitz" 
> There will be plenty of tents for meetups of large groups.  We have 
> been talking about having Videoblog Salons or whatever you may call 
> places for videobloggers to get together, shoot, upload and 
generally be
> vloggerconny.
> I keep hearing about how you folks want to camp; I think barcampusa 
> have that room.
> Remember though:  barcampusa is not just about videoblogging.  So 
if you
> want total immersion in JUST videoblogging, then hooking up with 
> may not be the right choice.
> Either way, I've already committed time and energy to the 
> tract at barcampusa last month.  Nothing is in stone, and all can 
be mutated
> to fit what we want.  (welcome to barcamp!)
> But to bring the point home:  barcamp is not just videoblog 
specific, but
> there will be tents that will basically be pretty darn vloggerconic.
> Yes, I said "vloggerconic", which is much better than a "vlogger-
> Schlomo
> http://schlomolog.blogspot.com
> http://webshots.com/is/spotlight
> http://hatfactory.net
> http://evilvlog.com
> On 2/27/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Doesn't it come down to whether anyone is willing to take
> > responsibility for organising it all in the time available, now 
> > it's almost March?
> >
> > Logistically, surely it makes sense to do it in a place where
> > everything's all set up and ready to go? ie BarcampUSA? I know 
> > already said this, and I don't think I can even come...
> >
> > BUT - it would be interesting to see how many indoor spaces there 
> > at BCUSA, and how possible it would be to have a separate vlogging
> > 'center' - rather than just having to fight to book slots on the 
> > stages, then getting bumped... It could end up quite fragmented.
> >
> > Erecting a big videoblogging marquee tent from a local supplier 
> > be a good use of some of the funds from 06. Then kit it out with
> > seats, tables, screens, projectors, terminals. And karaoke. And
> > donuts.
> >
> > So I don't know if it *would* be possible to leave it as Gena
> > suggested and sneak into BCUSA later if it's decided not to do a
> > separate Vloggercon - there would still be some booking and
> > organising to do, even on a smaller scale. But who would do it?
> >
> > R
> >
> > On 27 Feb 2007, at 03:44, Jay dedman wrote:
> > I vote for doing it at http://www.barcampusa.org.
> >
> > We've had Vloggercon on the East and West Coast...so lets do one 
> > the Heartland.
> >
> > ...
> >
> > To me, I like that someone else will deal with the whole
> > infrastructure, logistics, renting the space, deal with parking,
> > internet, etc. Each of us will just have to pay $50 for the entire
> > time.
> >
> > We can spend the next 6 months deciding how to have inventive 
> > long day trips where we record bugs, editing workshops that last 
for 4
> > days.
> >
> > We have a big fund left over from last Vloggercon:
> > http://node101.pbwiki.com/Record%20of%20Vloggercon%20money
> > We could always use this for all kinds of fun things if we all 
> > $16,000!!!
> >
> > Since it's part of BarCamp...we'll probably have a good chance of
> > rubbing elbows with the Youtubers we keep talking about.
> >
> > What do other people think?
> >
> > jay
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >  
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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