Seems to me that people need to (a) do fewer things that they might be
ashamed of and (b) NOT be ashamed of what they do and (c) develop a sense of

If someone gets drunk and makes a fool of him/herself in public now and then
but does not attempt to drive or in any other way hurt anybody, where is the
harm? Only in a faux-Puritan society that tries to punishes others for what
we do ourselves. If I were looking to hire someone, would I hold it against
them that they once did something silly and I have video evidence? Hell, no.
It'll happen to me one day. In any case, I wouldn't get particularly worked
up about people seeing me naked. It's a human body, big deal. I suspect
you've got one, too.

As for naked Verdi, that was one of the funniest moments I've ever seen in
vlogging. I hope he didn't take it down.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan (personal) (work)

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