I'll experiment with this format issue tonight.

Meanwhile another option are things like this recently announced
product that is a PC built into a TV:


Not a very big screen for a TV, it strikes me that this device is
actually a PC equivalent of the iMac, so it will be interesting to
compare price as I still believe Apple is a little pricey, and its not
just a case of their spec being above the PC to justify that extra
price. They are certainly a lot more competitive in the last few
years, but my brain still thinks Im paying an Apple style tax in the
same way Sony stuff carries a premium. 

Anyway if one with a suitable screen size was available at the right
price then that'd certainly be an interesting option to put media
center on.


Steve Elbows
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They *say* that what works in the Player works in the Center, and  
> their troubleshooting guide certainly gives that impression... but  
> we'll see.
> As for the energy saving thing... I thought I was being good by  
> multitasking the one computer rather than having separate Mac Mini or  
> PC.  Oh God, I have so many devices on right now.  I'm going to turn  
> them off and go to bed in moral despair.  Goodnight :-)
> Rupert
> http://www.fatgirlinohio.org
> http://www.crowdabout.us/fatgirlinohio/myshow/

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