It never occurred to me until I read your survivor story that maybe I  
was sick because my brain was rejecting reality.  I always assumed  
that it was a delayed rejection of the relentless fast-forwarded MTV,  
which only kicked in once it stopped.  But actually, maybe you're  
right - I'd become conditioned to hell, and suddenly seeing all the  
real people on Oxford Street at rush hour was like stepping onto the  
dock after a month at sea.  That's *more* depressing.

But maybe not as depressing as the idea of all those ads being tested  
so much.

Long live Tivo indeed, but I dread to think what subliminal horror  
they will unleash upon us when we all stop watching regular commercials.


On 22 Mar 2007, at 13:46, Adam Quirk, Wreck & Salvage wrote:
When I would leave for lunch, I would get a headache as soon as I  
out the front door from all the natural light and non-fast-forwarded
reality. That lasted about 6 months.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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