So I just interrupted an interesting conversation on Twitter about  
whether this group is discriminating against the millions of  
YouTubers - are we informing them about videobloggingweek07?

Obviously, they can tag their videos, but do any of them even know  
about it?  The thrust of the question was, do we have an attitude of  
If It's Not Here, It's Not Real?

I said I didn't think most people had that attitude - but it seemed  
to me that rather than it being about us rejecting youtubers, that  
it's more a question of most youtubers not being interested in what  
we do because the idea of this forum is irrelevant to them.  they  
have their tech needs taken care of, and they have brand identity &  
loyalty that gets in the way of them wanting to be part of a group of  
independent videobloggers.

so my point was that the "discrimination" (for want of a better word)  
is on their part.  but actually maybe it cuts both ways.

we say we're open to them, but actually we know that the majority of  
what's discussed here is academic or alien to them and so they won't  
join in.  we don't reach out to them, we just let it lie.  a sin of  
omission, rather than commission.

when we have an event like vbloggingweek, surely the onus is on those  
who know about it to market it to those who don't, rather than on  
them to break their habits and come beyond their walls.  that way we  
will get more varied responses from the minority of YT users to whom  
it would appeal but who otherwise wouldn't hear about it.  i'm all  
for that.

there are 43 videos tagged for videobloggingweek06 on the whole of  
Youtube.  Nothing for 07 under any variety of searches, and it's just  
a few days away.  Josh Leo, you are a YouTube hero and VB week  
promoter... can you trail it to your zillion viewers?? :-)

surely it's too big a pool of people to not reach out to?


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