Did you get this sorted ok in the end?

What resolution and codec was the AVI you exported? What resolution
was the MP4? Was your source footage standard DV?


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "wazman_au" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey videoblogging yahoos, it's been a while.
> I'm just finishing our long-awaited latest episode and having some
> weird problems.
> When I export it as a large AVI from Premiere Elements 1.0 all looks
> fine, and that same AVI also looks fine in Windows Media Player.
> But when I open and play it in QuickTime I get that buzzy, jagged-edge
> looks that suggests an interlacing problem. Same goes for the MP4 I'm
> exporting from this source material.
> So I go back into Premiere Elements and export a deinterlaced AVI with
> no fields. Still looks bad in QuickTime.
> Now, as I type this, I've just opened that AVI in QuickTime, gone into
> movie properties -> video track and selected deinterlace, as well as
> "high quality". The video now plays better but I reckon there are
> still faint lines in it. If I only select "high quality" it maybe
> looks even better - can't quite tell. 
> I'm going to go back to Premiere Elements and export a
> non-deinterlaced file and see what happens if I fiddle with the
> QuickTime settings. But this seems weird - I've never had it before,
> other than when I accidentally captured PAL video into an NTSC
> project. There have been a few codec packs on an off this computer,
> but I've not removed them all and reinstalled QT from scratch.
> Waz from Crash Test Kitchen
> www.crashtestkitchen.com

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