On 5/3/07, pdelongchamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  and now ladies and gentlemen, ...your moment of zen. (please accept this
>  as humour with only a tinge of bitterness)
>  "This user - Pdelongchamp - constantly fucks with the entry. [...] It's
>  pathetic. I can't believe Meiser still has the patience to try work on
>  the article as his changes usually get deleted within hours."
>  -Michael Verdi

Well Patrick,
I don't understand your subject line.
What you've quoted there is obviously not a threat. It's just my
observation of your assholeness which I stand by 100% whether there
are wikipedia editors that agree with you or not.
Please fuck off,

Author of Secrets Of Videoblogging - http://tinyurl.com/me4vs

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