Joomla and Drupal are CMSes, written in PHP. You may want to read up
on Drupal having teething troubles with MySQL and the way their tables
are structured, considering huge changes to the system, hitting a wall
in the process. Joomla is no better. It's a great system to play
around with, but it's painful to see their 'templates' looking just
like each other. And none of these systems can really do a site that
is based on static pages, which are a big boon on a heavy traffic

Expressions Engine (old pMachine is a very well
structured software, but a pain in the butt to customize to a point
where cruft-free URLs work and the system is intuitive. Yes they have
forums and wiki integrated into the base code, but these wiki and
forums are half-baked at best. (The best forum software bar none is
PunBB -- -- should you ever need one, not even SMF comes

Ruby on Rails in a hot new technology that has gotten a good deal of
media blather in the "Web 2.0" age and is just about as hyped as the
term itself. It structures your coding. Something you can easily
accomplish with Java, PHP, Perl, or any other language. The bigger
issue is performance. ROR is just not at the same level of performance
that PHP can accomplish, especially with Zend or eAccelerator type
caches installed (latter is free and easily installed). It is much
easier to find developers for PHP, and probably cheaper.

The biggest site I have run, with about 25,000 visitors every hour at
its peak, was based on a Movable Type ( platform
with RightFields plugin. MovableTYpe itself is CGI, which I was not
crazy about, but we grew to a traffic stage where we couldn't live
with dynamic pages (however well designed) and MT gave us an excellent
mix of static and dynamic (it spews out regular HTML pages).

My point: it is easy to get caught up in this selection of technology.
>From starting up several businesses, some with huge traffic, some not,
here's my simple advice: LAPP makes a good chocie (Linux, Apache,
PostgreSQL, PHP) as it is very cheaply available, is proven to work
for many hugely successful sites, and is easy to find
developers/experts for.

What you should instead focus on is to build a website/service that
will attract people. If your traffic proves to be a burden for your
infrastructure, trust me, it'll be a lovely problem to have :)


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