For blogging geeks, it was pretty incredible to have both Blogger and
Wordpress represent side by side at Pixelodeon:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/553043794/
Matt, who leads the Wordpress community, and Eric, the project manager
of Blogger, each did a presentation/Q&A with the vloggers.

Here's what we found out:
Based on what we've asked for...Blogger is going to let you upload
video IN THE POST soon using google video. It'll be Flash and/or QT.
Plus blogger will have RSS 2.0 feeds with enclosures. I have actually
seen this work with my own eyes. wow.

Matt from Wordpress seemed pleasantly surprised to see all the things
videobloggers have done with WP. Since is obviously a bottom up
community, he encourages us to get more involved in their development
We showed them the community we just started here:
Basically its a theme specifically designed for a regularly published
videoblog, a new vPiP that allows multiple formats and feeds, and a
new Pledge Drive that lets you get your audience to pledge money to
you automatically each month through paypal.
Join the mailing list here:

Anyway....good things.


Here I am....

Check out the latest project:
500 hours of George Bush speeches!!
Search, download, remix!!

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