On 7/21/07, Robert Scoble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Yup. And sometimes that's the best thing. I don't run naked through the
> public square (that sight would probably gross most people out) and now
> that
> I'm an executive at a company I have to be a lot more careful about what I
> say in public because what I say can hurt careers of people you and I both
> love. We have a whole chapter on how to avoid getting fired and it covers
> just why I can't tell you everything that's going on behind the scenes
> with
> our financing, with mistakes like Lan Bui's photo, why certain Vloggie
> statues didn't get mailed out, and other personnel issues, etc.

Wise words. Even for those of us who are not currently employed by or
communicating on behalf of a large (or any) corporation should take a minute
or two to consider before we post or email. The Internet is forever, and
what you say in a group like this one may be far more widely read - and for
many more years - than you realize. What you write in the heat of the moment
today in an apparently private and closed group like this one may come back
to bite you someday in some completely different venue. Robert isn't just
protecting the interests of his current employer - he is behaving in a way
that potential future employers, business partners, interviewees, etc. will
understand and respect when they consider working with him.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

living & travelling in Italy
(and other Countries Beginning with I)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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