> "US backing for two-tier internet"
>  <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6983375.stm>
>  "The US Justice Department has said that internet service providers
>  should be allowed to charge for priority traffic.
>  The agency said it was opposed to "network neutrality", the idea that
>  all data on the net is treated equally."

where's the guy on this list who said commericial companies should be
able to do anything they want? I'd love to hear his spin on this.

Great, so in a couple years....our web experience will be decided by
what website Comcast and ATT decide pay enough to get the fast

Any creator on this list will have slow, tedious videos.
they are creating a false scarcity.
Funny how free marketers like to choose when "free markets" are helpful to them.


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