> Story - http://abcnews.go.com/icaught/story?id=3580612&page=1
>  Direct link to the show that features Jay and Ry.
>  Couldn't find a link to the video...:(

An ABC producer contacted us 3 weeks ago to see if they could use our
videos on their show.
As mentioned before, the videos documented Ryan and I courting each other.
The producer said she was doing a story showing how the internet can
bring people together....versus the internet isolating people.

we were featured for about 30 seconds of the 3 minute segment.
Other parts were a US soldier in Iraq who watched his child being
born, and that older English guy on Youtube who made thousands of
friends through his storytelling.
It was sugary sweet for sure.

Overall, I was pretty amazed by 2 things.
--that iCaught was so positive about the web in general. Im used to
network TV portraying the web as a dark competitor. maybe its ABC's
attempt to speed up the convergence of TV and the web.
--that so many people still watch traditional TV like this show. We
got a bunch of emails from people saying they saw us. without any
warning from us, they just happened to be watching this TV show.


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