around the 25/10/07 Bill Cammack mentioned about [videoblogging] Re: 
Can anybody tell me.... that:
>I may not have been clear about what I mean by "public access"
>stations here in the US. Then again, you may understand what they
>are. Just in case... The way things work (to grossly generalize,
>based on my experiences in Manhattan, NYC) is you apply to the station
>to get a time slot, 30 minutes or an hour. If/when you get your slot,
>it will either be before or after a certain hour, which determines how
>risque or vulgar your show can be. You give them the name of your
>show and the topic. Depending on the topic, your show might ONLY be
>slated for late-night airings.
>After that, it's up to you to provide the show to the station. They
>play whatever's there for your show at the time your show comes up.
>For this reason, sometimes, they will play the exact same show for
>three weeks in a row, because nobody went to change it.

here the community system is different. the broadcaster is still 
responsible for content, though like the US system anyone can come 
and pitch shows/content. It is like editors ot the editor. the editor 
and the newspaper owner is responsible for what is published even if 
it is a letter to the editor.

>The point of all this background information is to set up the fact
>that there isn't anyone screening these videos for content. Because
>of this, you have some shows that are ENTIRELY music videos ripped
>from television stations with the television station bug still in the
>corner (MTV, VH1, BET, whatever). So I'm not even talking about
>someone using the music in the background of their original content.
>The only thing original about their show might be them talking in
>between ripped videos, IF that.

The only problem I have with these things is that if you do this to 
others content you can hardly complain when someone does it to yours. 
For example on this list there have been numerous examples of third 
party sites aggregating other people's video without credit, etc. But 
if in your videos you have been reusing others material without a 
licence, I think you're in a glass house throwing stones :-)

>Meanwhile, I've been to parties that were COMPLETELY VJed from
>YouTube. I mean, even that fad going on right now, "Rick Rolling"
>points to an actual music video. I'm not interested enough to
>research who posted that there, but you see the point. There's tons
>of stuff on YouTube also that has ZERO clearance.

yep. welcome to the pointy end of diy media. we are all in the middle 
of these enormous changes and we can see that google are working 
rather hard to allay the anxieties of big media while also getting to 
keep the cake....
Adrian Miles
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