Thanks Jay and all

I am actually very surprised that what was really a small personal
project of mine has been acknowledged by so many people in my city and
online (Although it was very surreal to see myself in the newspaper
boxes of every other corner of philadelphia). What is even better is
the many different perspective that people take to it and their
reasons for being fond of it.  My intentions were artistic ones, for
the most part and yet I am happy that it is being viewed for it's
social and journalistic elements as well. I really thought that it
would never be seen outside of the videoblogging world. I could not
have known was how it would be taken by the people who live in my
neighborhood and who would most likely have never known about my blog
without the local papers writing about it.  the feedback from my this
"offline" community has also been very positive.
thanks vloggers for supporting me from the beginning.  My original
intention was only to keep it going for a year.  I've decided to keep
the project going after the year is up in December.  It may not be as
regular as i was trying to make it before but i think it is worth
further exploration.



--- In, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Kessler from was featured in hos local
> paper:
> It's really well done.
> "*What began *in January as a fascination with the El location has
> transformed into a series of character studies that are as powerful and
> compelling as anything out there in the worlds of art or
journalism�not just
> as portals into the everyday struggles of individuals, but also as a
> portrait of the neighborhood in which they live.
> Kessler's decision to display his work in the form of a video blog (
> was deliberately populist, allowing his
work to be
> experienced by anyone with computer access, while giving it both an
> immediacy rarely found in art collections and an intimacy rarely seen in
> journalism."
> Jay
> -- 
> 917 371 6790
> Video:
> Twitter:
> RSS:
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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