To clarify my google point at the end, here is my half-baked thoughprocess on 
this one:

One of the things that made vlogging emerge was RSS, which opened the doors not 
fo rthe podcast-type viewwer subscription thing, but also for sites and 
services to work 
with eachother without rocketscience.

So Im just a wondering if the same could be said for google's OpenSocial 
( )

I mean there are clearly positives about social networks, and although it has 
many other 
uses, it could also be used to enable video to be used much more intelligently 
by large 
numbers of people, and for content creators & social network members to be less 
on one service, less inside the walled garden, and more where we need to be?

A simple example would be that if you make videos about  niche subject, they 
could be 
very tightly integrated into existing social networking groups of people who 
are interested 
in that subject. Your potential audience, already together and making a 
community, now 
being intimately connected with your stuff.

Any thoughts on this or related stuff?


Steve Elbows

--- In, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 If I look to any upcoming 
> technological developments to further things, I think there is probably more 
> room for
> video as part of social networking, and I will be fasinated to see if 
> google's open thingy 
> project somewhat overcomes the 'walled garden' problem with social networking 
> & 
> net services, there could be some amazing possibilities. 
> The right tools on a whole series of loosely connected sites that are 
> tailored around the 
> social aspects of humans, combined with video, could perhaps succeed where 
> vlogging 
> has failed to live up to dreams, or at least those dreams require more humans?
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows

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