dubious cultural value?

lol, Brook, it's just a joke.  If people want to participate, they'll
do it because it's funny.  No cultural value implied. :P

On Nov 16, 2007 12:22 PM, Brook Hinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well...
>  On 11/16/07, Patrick Delongchamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > No vlogs yet? Someone *has* to be up for the challenge.
>  Maybe the fact that it's been done quite a bit already, as you
>  described, limits the appeal. What do further "responses" add to
>  anything? And why would we want to use our navlopomo videos to
>  publicize some external commercial project of dubious cultural value?
>  Actually there hasn't been any shortage of ideas with navlopomo'ers at
>  all. No one seems to be having any trouble coming up with their own
>  ideas from what I've seen. The emphasis on the personal in the group
>  might also be a factor in the lack of participation in this
>  "challenge".
>  For me, the problem hasn't been ideas, but time.
>  Brook
>  _______________________________________
>  Brook Hinton
>  film/video/audio art
>  www.brookhinton.com
>  studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab

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