I was mostly worried about watching video and if this was an easy path
to the TV.

There are 17+ million Wii owners out there, which is way higher than
Apple TV or even the iPhone. The other interesting factor is that the
Wii is opening up a whole different demographic that is buying game
consoles. It is cool to have a Wii at your 30-something cocktail

I did some research and found this:

"The only complaint I have is that Flash doesn't garbage collect
correctly causing memory leaks, eventually resulting in a lockup of
the entire system. It's more noticable on video streams."

Now i am wishing Adobe would upgrade their Flash SDK for Opera
browsers from v7 to v9. Maybe this problem will be fixed in newer

Still very optimistic and maybe Flash Lite can be used with Opera. I
am determined to make this path to the TV as easy as possible. I've
been dreaming of using Mefeedia.com as a Web-based "TiVo for Web
Video", combined with the Wii which has a built-in Opera browser and
WiFi support. XBox and PS3 show some promise as well.


http://www.mefeedia.com - Discover the Video Web

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Eric Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll be testing Vimeo on these consoles, only since I don't personally
> want to move backwards in production quality. I'm on the TV, maybe on
> a home theater, I want HIGHER rez and prod quality, not less. That's
> my preference for the living room (and why I hate the Apple TV)... I
> want to make those HDMI cables SING, baby, SING.
> Qik's also not available to the world, it's marketed like 'hey phone
> people look!' and it's the same mono-sell that we're so plagued with,
> hehe.
> ER
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jake Ludington" <jake@> wrote:
> >
> > > It's funny. I'm using http://www.qik.com <http://www.qik.com/> 
> now and
> > > it
> > > doesn't need ANY local storage. Just throws all the bits up to a
> > > server.
> > 
> > > Why couldn't that be used with the Wii?
> > 
> > Doesn't qik.com proxy from a video camera (cell phones being their
> primary
> > camera)? The recipient still has to cache a file on the other side, I
> > believe, which doesn't solve the Wii problem, which is a problem of
> needing
> > somewhere to temporarily cache the video you are watching. Wii has no
> > problem with short videos, but runs into trouble when it's
attempting to
> > download minute 8 and you're watching minute 4 and there's no more
> room. 
> > 
> > Jake Ludington
> > 
> > http://www.jakeludington.com
> >

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