
On Feb 13, 2008 11:48 AM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>  A solution is to treat broadband companies as common carriers.
>  This recognizes that the internet is a public good which everything
>  depends on...so there should be a level playing field.
>  Broadband companies would get heavy tax breaks (ie SUBSIDIES), and
>  would be guaranteed a yearly rate of return (like most water/electric
>  companies get). This is not a new practice.

(Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you are say, but....)

I really don't want to see ISP's to be "in bed" with the Government.

And being recipients of tax money.  (I'm really not a fan of these
Socialist type programs.)

I'm going to refrain to going off on a long rant about it, but just
say...... it's one thing not to tax these companies to try to "make
things happen".... but it's an entirely different thing to
(forcefully) take money from other people and give it to ISPs.

See ya

Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

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