I'm sorry you were insulted by what I said.  I didn't mean to insult.

The way it looks like to me is that whatever you want to call them...
the vast majority of the people I know seem to have certain tastes in
videos.  I was trying to use a monicker that described them.

I thought putting "normal" in quotes would be sufficient, and people
would know what I meant.  Maybe I should have used something like...
"the common blue collar person".

I thought "normal" would be a good monicker since you often hear terms
like "the real people" used in political discourse to describe the
same group.  (Please note the quotes around "the real people"... and
that I'm not the one who came up the phrase "the real people".)

Again, sorry if I insulted you.

Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

Motorsport Videos

Vlog Razor... Vlogging News... http://vlograzor.com/

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Brook Hinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Whoops just saw your followup. Gosh golly, you're right, I guess I
>  don't have any "layman" or "common people" in my audience. Only
>  "royalty" and "criminals"/
>  Sheesh.
>  Brook
>  _______________________________________________________
>  Brook Hinton
>  film/video/audio art
>  www.brookhinton.com
>  studio vlog/blog: www.brookhinton.com/temporalab

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