Just an FYI.... for people that don't know it... a + in a URL is short
hand for the code %20.

And %20 in a URL in the encoding of a space.  (Since you can't put a
space in a URL... you have to do something called URL encoding...
which looks like %XX where the X's are hexadecimal digits... i.e.,

And yes... WordPress is messing up our tags!  (Although I have no idea
why it is doing it ATM.)

Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

Motorsport Videos

Vlog Razor... Vlogging News... http://vlograzor.com/

On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 9:13 AM, David Meade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vloggers -
>  When tagging posts in wordpress with a two-word tag (lets say the tag
>  is "tag name") ... wordpress replaces the space with a dash (-)
>  resulting in "tag-name".
>  However, technorati states that spaces should be replaced with a plus
>  (+) and is thus expecting "tag+name". It sees "tag-name" as an
>  entirely different thing, and returns different results for each.
>  (see: http://support.technorati.com/support/siteguide/tags )
>  The Microformats folks (microformats.org) also seem to favor the plus
>  (+) to represent spaces as well:
>  http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-tag#Encoding_issues
>  But then later they do kinda say "well there are a bunch of ways it
>  could be done - which is better"?
>  http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-tag-faq#Multi-word_tags
>  Meanwhile, wordpress doesn't even seem to allow an author to use a
>  plus (+) - as if you do that it just concatenates the two words into
>  one (ala "tagname").
>  Is it me or Wordpress working against us here; defying convention at
>  technorati and specification of microformats? Doesn't this make
>  wordpress rather Technorati unfriendly? In order to find wordpress
>  posts tagged "tag name" at technorati, I cant search for "tag name".
>  I have to search for "tag-name" ... because wordpress uses dash (-)
>  for spaces andtechnorati expects a plus (+) for spaces.
>  ... what gives? Wasn't this all hashed out about a decade ago? :P
>  Am I completely missing it, or is this worth bringing up to the
>  wordpress folks?
>  - Dave
>  --
>  http://www.DavidMeade.com

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