Thanks!  this is a cool site.

--- In, "JD Lasica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thought some of you would be interested in this news.
> A small team of us from Ourmedia and Outhink have been working since
> August on a new marketplace to get videos produced.
> It's called Bid4Vid (at, and the site officially launched today.
> The idea's real simple. Need a video produced, for your business, for
> a Web campaign, for your family, for a nonprofit? Post a video job on
> the site and then select from the best bids from producers who've
> registered on the site (more than 800 have signed up, including a few
> folks from this list - it's free). We're looking for mass uptake, so
> the only fee at any time is the $30 paid by a producer after he or she
> accepts a contract job.
> You can see a list of jobs here:
> and producers here:
> We're looking for feedback, especially for ideas on how this could
> serve the needs of producers better, so kick the tires and let us know
> what you think.
> jd lasica
> jd  @  bid4vid[.]com

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