this is the link to the best practices text, jay:

about the ads thing: the guys from liberatedfilms just tell someone
from the spanish list he couldnĀ“t ask for anything because the ads are
just the same you find close to search results on google. they say
things would be not the same if you upload the videos to their site.

thanks a lot for your attention.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "The degree to which non-targeted ads (such as AdWords placed on the
>  > surrounding pages) generate revenue should be balanced against the unique
>  > services MA [media aggregators] does or does not provide the CO
>  > [content owner] when calculating revenue
>  > share".
>  where did you get this paragraph?
>  seem like we're missing some surrounding text that would better
>  explain what it means.
>  jay
>  --
>  917 371 6790

-- (colectivo)

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