un portal de vídeos japones permite dejar comentarios sobre el vídeo
mismo: el texto aparece sobre la imagen.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A friend recently told me about a Japanese social video site where you
>  can post text comments on the video itself at certain intervals.
>  So what happens is this: youll watch a video...and at certain times,
>  hundreds of text comments appear all over the screen. Supposedly on
>  popular videos, people refresh constantly to see all the new comments
>  as people post them.
>  Here's where you can sign up http://www.nicovideo.jp/.
>  Here's a blog post explaining the site itself:
> http://matthew.animeblogger.net/archives/2007/03/07/youtube_2ch_nico_nico_douga.php
>  Jay
>  --
>  http://jaydedman.com
>  917 371 6790


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