Thanks Jay
yes, since I jumped in this water two years ago things have evolved quickly.  
Make video, 
be happy is what I like to say now.  All these tools, some free, some not help 

Now I am trying to see what I can do with a Euro/LA base.

I like Tube Mogul, I see no downside to it.  They are actually taking care of 
the work of 
posting to multiple sites, not much more.  They save time, and can be worth it 
at the 
premium paid level.

There will be more shakedown as time goes on, and the option to host your own 
video will 
always be there, and continue to cost less.

Sometimes we forget when there is a free service that .....we are getting 
something for 

Thanks to all, Jay..Tim for prompting this discussion.

Ciao Tutti!

--- In, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I'm not saying, "Don't use them." I'm asking for a group think on
> >  this. Is there anything bad that could happen to independent content
> >  creators or should we not care and just go along for the ride and see
> >  where it takes us?
> well, its like Video Egg and Stage 6 recently shutting down.
> if I had depended on them for their free hosting...i'd be screwed.
> always have a backup plan.
> One reason i love blip is their "dont be evil" feature that lets me
> cross-upload to
> if they ever blew up...i just delete my videos on blip...and point to
> the same videos on Archive (which could also blow up)
> I think all these video services have been great. (and the smart ones
> have been well rewarded)
> its opened the door for many people to just start posting video.
> Back in 2004-2005, this group just talked about the details of tech
> because we were hacking our way into reality.
> Now we mainly discuss business and licensing since all these services
> have made it easy to videoblog.
> we can focus on storytelling and the struggle to be independent.
> we used to all be on the same wavelength, but this year I've realized
> that may of us are approaching videoblogging from much different
> angles. Not bad, just an observation.
> its as we've always said here.
> if Im just fooling around and posting random videos to take part in a
> social scene....then does it matter what happens to these videos?
> the service blows up...feeds change...who cares.
> if Im a serious storyteller-entertainer-artist...and my videos are my
> identity....then I need to rely on myself.
> I think wordpress-drupal-joomla have all evolved to be powerful,
> self-hosted video platforms.
> I also think that bandwidth is cheap enough to host your own videos
> these days (amazon S3)...unless youre getting a million views a day.
> And in that case, you got luxury problems.
> jay
> -- 
> 917 371 6790

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