Tagged for the Vlog Press Kit.

Have long contended that product placement is the way to go for motion
picture advertising - whether the delivery device is television, the
web or the big / small screen.

Less intrusive, more respectful and equally effective as "Gossip
Girls" and other television shows have proved.

Still, I hate it that humans are so easily swayed one way or another.


On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> NBC says they are making web shows for product placement.
>  http://www.physorg.com/news127734694.html
>  "Digital Studio's first productions, which will premiere this summer,
>  are a science-fiction series starring Rosario Dawson called "Gemini
>  Division" and a quirky comedy about a college-aged zombie called "Woke
>  Up Dead," said NBC Universal, a unit of General Electric Co.
>  Intel Corp., Cisco Systems Inc. and Microsoft Corp. are among the
>  first brands involved with the development of "Gemini Division," the
>  statement said."
>  Jay
>  --
>  http://jaydedman.com
>  917 371 6790
>  ------------------------------------
>  Yahoo! Groups Links

Jan McLaughlin
Production Sound Mixer
air = 862-571-5334
aim = janofsound
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