
I've been away from this list for awhile, but I wanted to let everyone
know about a new web series that we're launching which you're all
invited to participate in.  We're organizing Meetup groups of actors,
videobloggers, and others to shoot in 12 different cities.  The first
will be shot in NYC on June 6 as part of Internet Week NY.  You can
sign up for the first Meetup here--http://videoblog.meetup.com/14 and
you can read more below or visit our site at www.12degrees.tv.  Please
email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you're interested in any aspect of the
project including creating, organizing, and sponsorships.  The first 2
cities will be NYC and LA, after that we're open to suggestions...

Matt Feldman


The Story

In the year 2012 there has been a backlash against Patriot Act era
policies and a series of investigations reveal just how rampant
surveillance on ordinary citizens had become.  After the Dept of
Homeland Security is abolished, a hacker gets into databases from 2008
and discovers 1,000's of hours of surveillance footage which he
decides to release online.  He narrates the short videos and sometimes
even remixes them and they become the most watched show in the US. 
His narration offers commentary on our times from the perspective of
an optimistic future that sees our current society as troubled and
bleak.  The videos will incorporate current events as they occur,
including the Presidential election cycle as seen from the eyes of the
future.  As more videos are released, we come to see that the
seemingly unrelated characters from throughout the world are

How it Works

12 degrees will be shot collaboratively in 12 different cities
throughout the US on a monthly basis. We will post an outline ala Curb
Your Enthusiasm on our website at the beginning of every month. Meetup
groups will then be organized where actors, directors and anyone else
will shoot their interpretations of the outline. Groups can shoot more
than one version, and can regroup to shoot with different actors, etc.
Submissions will be posted to www.12degrees.tv where anyone will be
able to vote on their favorite. All of the narration will be written
and added by us, allowing room for a story with continuity, and then
added to the collaborative video that receives the most votes. The
following month will utilize the same format, but the Meetup group
will happen in another locale. The first two episodes will be shot in
NYC and LA, with future cities determined by interest on our website.
We will also post behind the scenes videos from the Meetups, which
will be live streamed when possible.

The final 12 minute episode will mash together the previous winning
entries to complete the story for the first season. Audience members
will also be able to mashup their own version of the final episode
using any previously submitted clip to allow for infinite variations
of the story.

Getting Involved

This is a collaborative, interactive project and we will rely on
participation in order to make the series successful.  On the creative
side, we're looking for actors, directors, shooters, writers, etc to
create the videos for the show in each city.  We will also need a
Project Director for each city to help us organize the groups as well
as get the word out for each Meetup.   We will create groups on
popular social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter and will need
help getting the word out online.  We're also looking to get some
great press and get covered by prominent blogs to spread the word
about this unique project.  Finally, we are working on building a
website where anyone can sign up and upload video as well as vote on
submissions.  If you are interested in becoming more involved, please
email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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