Most of questions you list could be easily (or not so easily) answered by
combing through a crapload of videoblogs and taking notes, counting,
watching, commenting, etc.

Dr. Hall, did this not used to be called 'research'? I forget.

For example, to answer "How long?" go to the vlogger's archives and click
the oldest month and there you will find the vlogger's first post.

If you watch sample vlog entries through time, you will get an idea of how
and why they started, what inspires them, and the direction they've gone and
are going.

You will see in black and white how often the vlogger posts.

All that information (and more) is part of vlogging's charm.


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 6:26 AM, Mike Moon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Questions:
> 1. How did you get into vlogging?
> I watched an episode of Torrent that featured Michael Verdi and Ryanne
>  Hodson talking about FREEVLOG.ORG. I purchased a $70 videocam and I
> was off.
> 2. How long have you been blogging?
> Two Years and counting.
> 3. What provides inspiration for your vlog posts?
> I capture moments of my life so that when I'm really old and forget
> how to feed myself, I can still look back and remember.
> 4. How often do you post?
> Generally once every other day. Say, 3 vlogs a week.
> 5. Is your video blog a business or a hobby?
> It's a hobby.
> 6. What motivates you to continue updating your video blog?
> It's hard to have a lifetime of videos, be it the second half of my
> life, without having videos.
> 7. How long does it take you to post (from the idea-> filming-> posting)?
> Ideas get written down and thought about. That time varies.
> Shooting... depends. 2 minutes to all day, depending on what's going on.
> Uggh, editing, compressing, converting, uploading, website...
> I continue to improve and shorten my processes to give me more time
> with family and shooting. I could bang out a 3 minute video in say 1/2
> an hour. BUT, it's generally taking closer to 1 or 2 hours.
> 8. If you have a site you would like to share (personal or just one
> you like) please list here:
> Sure...
> Not every video is an award winner, but odds are if you drop by,
> there's going to be a new entry. 500+ videos in the first 2 years.
> Drop by, say hello.
> Mike
> --- In, "joshua.kuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hey all!  I am a grad student at UC San Diego doing a research project
> > on the video blogger community and video bloggers.   The goal of my
> > project is to develop a profile of video bloggers. This appears to be
> > quite a daunting task since the barriers to vlogging are relatively low
> > and there are a lot of video bloggers out there.  If you have a moment
> > to help me out I would really aprreciate it.  I have a few basic
> > questions that I am trying to answer (shown below).  Also, if you know
> > of any video blog sites that you consider to be good examples of a
> > video blog site or sites that have good content, that would really help!
> >
> > Questions:
> > 1. How did you get into vlogging?
> > 2. How long have you been blogging?
> > 3. What provides inspiration for your vlog posts?
> > 4. How often do you post?
> > 5. Is your video blog a business or a hobby?
> > 6. What motivates you to continue updating your video blog?
> > 7. How long does it take you to post (from the idea->filming->posting)?
> > 8. If you have a site you would like to share (personal or just one you
> > like) please list here:
> >
> > Thanks in advance!  If you want to shoot me an email instead of posting
> > a response, that's cool, too.
> >
> >
> > Cheers, Josh
> >
> ------------------------------------
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Jan McLaughlin
Production Sound Mixer
air = 862-571-5334
aim = janofsound
skype = janmclaughlin

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