I love PCs and I would never give up my Windows Media Center for a Mac
but in your case I would still maybe recommend Mac.

When comparing hardware, Macs actually do come out cheaper.  If price
is a big issue, you can find a much cheaper PC notebook and you will
probably be quite satisfied with it.  XP is a great OS.  (and Vista
isn't bad, it's just not what it should have been. don't buy into
apple's FUD) Just know that you'll be dealing with a slower system if
you go the PC route.  In the case of Macs, you do get what you pay

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Stan Hirson,  Sarah Jones
> I'm a long-time Apple user. I started with them on a II+ with
> incursions into DOS and Windows, but for almost 10 years now I have
> been using Apple and editing on FCP. I have been a satisfied Mac user
> until a couple of years ago when I had various issues with upgrade
> policies and software glitches caused by upgrades of various Apple
> programs.
> I won't go into my list of issues, but in sum I have been less than
> satisfied with Apple in both depth and candor.
> I need a new laptop. My 17" PB G4 needs to be upgraded and replaced.
> I just priced a new MacBook Pro 17" and it really comes out to about
> $4,000 with AppleCare, some software I'll need, etc,. I took a look at
> one yesterday and was impressed. With everything but the price.
> Up until I no longer trusted Apple, I would have gone for it even at
> that price.
> I'm thinking of moving to a PC and using XP Pro and possibly Vegas or
> even Premiere for all my web editing and production. (Pretty much
> straight cutting, no FX.) How bad can a PC be? There are a lot of
> people using them. And there is a broader source of support.
> But I live in the country, about a 2 hour drive or train from NYC, so
> it is a pain for me to browse around different computer stores to get
> a hands on feel for screen quality and software options.
> I'm wondering if I can get any experience of this group... I've never
> used Vegas or Avid Express and I'm wondering about the difference
> between that option and Final Cut Express -- I do not need or intend
> to shell out for Final Cut Pro.
> Just exploring the options. I'm finding Apple and its store staff
> arrogant and obnoxious. Is it something I just have to live with? Or
> do some of the other companies that actually have to compete with each
> other provide better products and service?
> Frustrated in the stix...
> Stan Hirson
> http://hestakaup.com

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