Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and giggles.

I do agree that the visual effect I want, could be obtained using the
Show In The Box video related plugins... if I could get them to work.
Ever since I upgraded WordPress 2.1, video Archive, Related and Recent
video plugins are pouched and not functional on my site. It's been
several disappointing months, with countless suggested fixes, but in
the end I can not get them to work. 

An example... okay, try this one: . It has the basic
idea with lots of video thumbnails. 


--- In, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i don't say lol much...
> but lol
> i agree.  not that i know what a porn site looks like, obviously.
> it's interesting - the Show In A Box template is a fantastic way to  
> run a videoblog.
> but i'm fed up with losing perfectly good films into the void of the  
> blog format.
> once they're not current, you lose them.
> the show in a box Related Videos plugin is supposed to address this.
> doing it manually is a lot of work - maintaining it, keeping it fresh.
> but i've been working on a new format for both Twittervlog and  
> another site for aggregating all my work & video projects, which  
> combines Wordpress and lots of thumbnails.
> One solution I've come up with, which I think I'm going to go with,  
> is having multiple columns, with a few different small embedded Blip  
> players in them.  All with different playlists.  Would also work with  
> Vimeo players, Youtube players - anything - but I like Blip's  
> playlist & guide features best.  You can size them right down so  
> they'll play right in your sidebar and make them link to a bigger  
> version if the viewer wants.
> That way you can keep a Blog timeline *and* surround your videos with  
> multiple playable thumbnails, which you can manage easily via  
> playlists (or new Shows) at Blip.
> I've been playing with a 4 column Wordpress theme called Fjords.   
> Each column has different types of videos - Just working out whether  
> 4 is overkill!  It's surely possible to give lots of choice *and*  
> space with a regular 3 column WP theme.
> Rupert
> On 22-Jun-08, at 11:45 AM, Mike Moon wrote:
> I truly want the same look as some porno sites.
> I want the visitor to be bombarded with video choices.
> I envision wall to wall thumbnails with random or categorized tagged
> video entries.
> The main page and the individual post page would both look the same.
> One main post and surrounded, wall to wall, with linked thumbnails to
> other videos.
> I have a library of 500+ videos (hosted by and each thumbnail
> shows the appropriate titl in the picture.
> I want a visitor to see other titles that tweak their imagination to
> watch.
> So here's the details.
> Currently in WordPress 2.5.1 database.
> Using the latest v.PiP viewer (and displayer).
> Ideally I would like to keep the database content and all the current
> comments.
> So... is this a pipe dream?
> Mike
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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