So glad that I still have all my home movies on VHS that I started shootin in 
1983. Still look good moving them to DV now.

--- On Mon, 10/5/09, Pete Prodoehl <> wrote:

From: Pete Prodoehl <>
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Keeping tapes
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 12:01 PM



I put my 20+ year old box of audio cassettes to good use...

And you can see some of the results here:

http://www.mkepunk. com/

I consider myself an "archivist" and "documentarian" which are fancy 

words for "packrat" and "guy who doesn't throw things away... ever!"

Sometimes you can only see the value of things later. Sometimes much later.


Adam Quirk wrote:

> I'm in the middle of a move, and came across the box of mini-DV tapes I've

> accumulated over the years. I'm seriously considering chucking it all.

> Will I, or anyone, really ever want to watch two-hundred hours of random

> clips from my life and work?


> There's a part of me that wants to keep everything, every second that I

> shot. But there's another part of me that knows I already cut and uploaded

> and shared the best parts of these tapes.


> I'm not really sure what I'm asking here, but you guys would probably have

> the best insight into this sort of thing.


> AQ










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