> I am looking for a traditional hand held microphone to use for 
> man-on-the-street news interviews. Everything I can find is either an XLR mic 
> or a toy.
> I have a Panasonic TM300 which is a nice small camera but has a traditional 
> 1/4 microphone jack. I know there are XLR converters which would be fine but 
> all the ones I have seen are super huge and bulky, which kind of defeats the 
> purpose of the small camera.
> So can anyone suggest a decent microphone with the right connector or a small 
> XLR converter? Thanks.

As Richard suggested, we used to use a 1/4"-XLR adapter since any
serious mic seems to be XLR.
But I have used http://www.audio-technica.com that had a 1/4" plug. Worked well.


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