I missed this because I was on my self impossed break, but I agree with Rupert 
in that the most interesting bit of information to me is the 1:15 time limit.  
It seems our or should I say the average comsumer of online video, like vlogs, 
wants the video's very short and sweet.  Which was something that was preached 
here often.  But I have noticed that for the most part it was like around the 
3:00 mark that most people wanted to stay at or under.  Then for a bit people 
would make some longer ones but now it seems we are back to about a minute.

Which to be honest, I am not sure I really understand.  I mean most people can 
watch an hour show no problems, watch a 3 hour movie no problem, but a "vlog", 
and people can't spare more than a minute or two to watch...it seems weird.

I am not sure why it is, I mean even for me, there are only a handful of vlogs 
I watch on a regular basis, because I decieded a while ago, that I had to limit 
myself to those people I really like.  Now that's not to say I don't occasionly 
surf and find something or someone else, but even I find myself getting antsy 
after a few minutes of watching...

like I said, weird...


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert Howe <rup...@...> wrote:
> Yes, I posted about it on 22 Jan - nobody replied.  There's some good  
> stuff there.
> Particularly things like that the average watch time for a short form  
> video online is 1:15.
> And that YouTube is only 36% of all video tracked by Mefeedia.
> Blip and Vimeo combined are 23%.
> Which obviously leaves a quite significant 41% divided between other  
> sources.
> The average vlogger syndicates to 3.6 sites.
> Playstation 3 and the Wii are the big players in video via TV at the  
> moment.
> On 2 Mar 2010, at 03:50, compumavengal wrote:
> > Not sure if folks saw this or not. I searched the archives and  
> > didn't see a mention. http://blog.mefeedia.com/vlog-2010
> >
> > Also mentioned at Tech Crunch
> > http://techcrunch.com/2010/01/05/mefeedia-state-of-the-vlogosphere-2010/
> >
> > Gena
> > http://createvideonotebook.blogspot.com/
> >
> >
> > 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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