That's a big reason I never turned on ads for my vlog, it's so personal, that 
ads seem stupid to put on them honestly...and then there is the whole fact that 
I only get a few hundred fews per video, if I am lucky, so there is no point 
for me.  I did turn it on for some of the other vids I have made for other 
sites, but I don't expect much.

It seems quaint nowdays, but I make video's for me, I put them out for me and 
the few friends I have made in this space.  I'm never going to make money of 
video, it's just not going to happen, lot's of different reason's why but it 
all boils down to this.  I make video's because I's awesome some are 
making money and such, it really is.

but as for me and my house, it's all about the grandbaby right


--- In, Rupert Howe <rup...@...> wrote:
> It's always about context, isn't it?  I'm used to seeing adverts on  
> videos now, but rarely even notice them.  It's usually when they're  
> getting in the way or are inappropriate that I notice them - and  
> that's not a good thing.
> That said, I think there are quite a lot of people making reasonable  
> pocket money from blogs and videos.  If you're into making videos that  
> other people want to watch, and you can build an audience, there's  
> some money there.
> TubeMogul did a survey of their web video producers last year, and  
> found that on average they got $12 per 1000 views.  Which is in line  
> with an average ad price across different media of $10-15 per thousand  
> impressions.
> Last month was my 5 year vlogiversary, and over that 5 years I've had  
> around a million views of my videoblog posts on different sites.  So  
> that'd have been about $12,000 over five years if I'd run adverts.   
> Which would be better than a kick in the face, but not exactly a  
> living wage.  And the presence of adverts would most definitely not  
> have fitted with almost any of my content.
> Rupert
> On 9 Apr 2010, at 13:24, Jay dedman wrote:
> > > I don't know about Blip, but as I've mentioned before, I'm a  
> > Youtube partner and I certainly make money from it, as I do from  
> > Google ads on my blog site.
> > > I'm not allowed to say how much, but it's not insignificant. Not
> > > enough to live off to be sure, but I've only got several thousand
> > > regular viewers.
> > > If you extrapolate, and my audience increased say 10 fold, I could  
> > probably do it full time and make a meager living.
> > > I know another video blogger who has roughly those audience  
> > figures, and he has mentioned that within the next year he might  
> > take it full-time if growth continues.
> > > I just hit my first anniversary video blogging too.
> >
> > It's been good to hear your past experience. I believe blip focuses on
> > ads INSIDE the video (either pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll)...not
> > sure if Youtube does this. Ive wondered if people are out off by ads
> > in videos they watch. Text ads on the page seem easy enough to ignore.
> > Is anyone here a blip partner?
> >
> > Does Youtube or blip make you sign a exclusive contract with them...or
> > can you put the same content in both places to collect two checks?
> > Just wondering how all this plays out.
> >
> > Dave, huge congrats on the first year anniversary.
> >
> > jay
> >
> > 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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