well, we all think what we do is crap sometimes, but Mike you are one of the 
most committed vloggers out there and you are comfortable with who you are and 
what you are doing and it shows...and you are so right these moments make up so 
much more than just "those" moments, they are part of a greater story...

simply great man, simply great..



--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "mgmoon" <mgm...@...> wrote:
> First off, thanks Heath. It's much appreciated ole friend.
> So, to sum it up, there was a lot of crap that went into this video. But what 
> I mean is, if I only posted the videos that could be described as 'good', I'd 
> have about 5 to draw from. 
> I have hundreds and hundreds of moments, snippets in time, to enjoy now, and 
> down the road. I encourage all of you to start or continue to shoot and share 
> your videos. I can confidently say that these images will probably last a lot 
> longer than any of the people in them. 
> It's never too late to start. In 30 years, will it matter when you got 
> started? I have a real hoot looking back just a couple years, I can only 
> imagine what fun I'll have when I'm 75. 
> Thank you folks for your comments you've made about the video. It's 
> encouraging and motivating.
> Mike
> (I don't know what happened to the first message I wrote in response. So I 
> banged out this half-assed copy)
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Heath" <heathparks@> wrote:
> >
> > Anyone who does online video should take a moment and watch this
> > 
> > http://mikemoon.net/vlog/2010/04/16/a-moment-2/
> > 
> > From one of the best out there..love ya mike...
> > 
> > Heath
> > http://heathparks.com/blog
> >

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